User can send money request to another waller user.
How to request ?
The POST request will be send over HTTPS to the
Pass AuthToken in header for each request Auth API
Sample Request

Sample Response

- telnocc – country code to whom you want to request
- toMobile – mobile number to whom you want to request
- fromMobile - your registered mobile number with country code
- fromCustid – you will get cust id in login API response
- verificationHash – SHA256Algorithm.generateSHA256Hash(secKey.trim()+requestAmount.trim()+telnocc.trim()+toMobile.trim()+requestComment.trim()+fromCustid.trim()+fromCustomerName.trim()+ fromMobile.trim())
How to generate verification Hash?
Checksum has to be calculated with following combination using SHA256 algorithm
and need to be send along with the authentication parameters in each server-to-server
Sample Code

Request Parameters
This reference lists all the standard flow parameters to be send in request.
Parameter | Description | Format | Required |
requestAmount | Request amount to recipient | N [0-9] |
Yes |
telnocc | Country code to whom you want to send. | N [0-9] |
Yes |
toMobile | Receiver's mobile number. | N [0-9] |
Yes |
fromCustid | Sender's Customer ID. | N [0-9] |
Yes |
fromMobile | Sender's mobile number (with country code eg.91) | N [0-9] |
Yes |
fromCustomerName | Sender's name | A255 | Yes |
requestComment | Description of the transaction | AN [0-9] |
Yes |
walletOwnerId | Provided by Unique id. | N20
[0-9] |
Yes |
fromCurrencyCode | Sender's currency | AN [0-9] |
Yes |
isMoneyFromRequest | Amount sent from pending list (set true) or directly from send money (set false) | A255 | Yes |
requestId | Amount sent from pending list pass request Id or pass 0 | N [0-9] |
Yes |
verificationHash | Verification Hash has collected combination of parameters. | String | Yes |
Response Parameters
This reference list lists all the standard flow parameters to be received in response.
Parameter | Description | Format | Required |
customerName | Receiver's Name of the sent amount. | A255 [a-zA-Z] |
Yes |
amount | Amount of the transaction. | N50 [0-9] {1,50} |
Yes |
responseCode | Response code | [a-zA-Z0-9] | Yes |
Response Code | Message |
1 | Success |
2 | Fail |
3 | Invalid Request |